Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who Am I?

I am so blessed that as I venture from door-to-door (and my name is beginning to be associated with Ward C) that residents and families and community members are approaching me. I have this awesome visual in my mind of this phenomenal network I am creating so that come October 22nd, 2013 we can begin the work in earnest.

I did not fully appreciate how many people, and organizations, and groups would want to have my thoughts and perspectives on issues relating to education. It seems like there is always a survey waiting to be completed and I quite enjoy the process of articulating my thoughts "out loud" with careful consideration. My style will always be better suited to face-to-face conversations and taking the time to contemplate, and understand, and digest where Ward C residents are coming from is such worthwhile time.

Today two things happened almost simultaneously - receiving an email from an engaged Ward C voter and submitting my profile for the www.vote4kids.ca website. I decided to share my answers for the profile questions here on my blog in advance of them being posted on the ATA website. I do this because I want people to knowingly vote for me - make the choice based on a clear understanding of who I am, and what I stand for. That clarity is going to serve all of us for my four year term as Ward C Trustee. Thank you to the ATA for creating a distributing this survey!

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